Sunday, 14 August 2011

Trying new thing realy does pay off.

Two nights ago we went out and tried a shopping centre that we we nervous about and assumed wouldn't have much - we were so wrong!

We went to a few other places, but most of this haul comes from the one place
- 10 bags of apples
- 6 potatoes
- 6 onions
- 1 head of brocolli
- 10 bags of potato chips (burger rings, twisties, cheese and bacon balls etc.)
- A few pears
- A "Tinkerbell" painting kit.

I am making ridiculous amounts of apple crumble as we speak! apples apples apples xD - angry xo

CATCH UP! Where have we been!?

Okay so it has been a while; Lets play catch up!

-A few months ago we took some newbies out on a dive and the police were called by a neighbor in response to our (at the time) loud car, we recieved a warning and were told if we got caught again we could face charges.Got nothing that night.

-We found the best bin ever! which belonged to a big W. We found hundreds of soft drink cans and boxes after boxes of chocolate! Also shavers, sunscreen, dry shampoo and heaps more! unfortunately they started locking that one recently.

-After a few more dives, some fruitful (pun intended), some not, we had to throw in the towel for a few months becuase a lot of stores started locking their bins (we never made a mess so god knows why).

But we are back now! and I will leave you with some pictures of past endeavors! -angry xo

This is a haul from a mix of shops, got some nice flowers there!

This is the Big W only haul, now it is locked.
Same day expiry chocolate mud cake, so we HAD to eat it all!

The best part about this mixed haul was the $27 party cake! (the cats knocked it over and ate it, haha)

Small local Woolworths haul, half empty washing liquid.

One of the tomatoes found on a mix haul, wonderful condition.

box of expensive mushrooms on a mixed hual, same day expiry, perfect condition!